Saturday, April 20, 2013

First silly faces.

The first 7 portrait studies for my Silly faces project.
I intent to make 100 of these (no deadline). I got over 80 emails so far with silly photo's people have send me :) Learn more about this project here on facebook:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013


A commission I did a while ago.

Last man Standing Fan art.

This is my fanart image for Last man Standing. Just a line art of Abbadon.
Haven't gotten to the rendering yet.. so just lineart. The bike was very challenging though!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Homosapien skulls

3 hour study of a skull from a 3/4th angle.

This time a 6 hour study of a human skull.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ancient scenery

An environment concept sketch for the setting of the 'RPG game'.
One of the concept materials made for the Crimson Dagger Bloodsport challenge: Time warriors. 

Quick sketch done in 1 hour. find the livestream here:

When wrath took the land

Fridaynight doodles.. a landscape for a change.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Time Warriors: thumbnails

A few thumbnails for the future warrior design.
He will be going to the past, I've chose a pretty cool sidekick too, you will see ^^

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not broken

'Waiting for her love to return from imprisonment. Her heart shares the same faith.'

:) I've fallen in love with a certain color palette and lighting, those to made love and this is their baby.

And here follows a version without lighting. Than you'll see how much a nice and dramatic lighting improves the emotion and realism of a painting.

Pearl enchanter.

A card illustration done for the Moonga game from Everdreamsoft.
"copyright EverdreamSoft"

Charleze Theron study_done

This is the end result of the warming up study.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Warming up.

The warming up of this morning. Will spend another hour on it later on to finish it :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life study

This took me around 10 hours to make, most of the time went into the golden blanket XD soo many ridges XD
But I learned a lot about colors and reflection. I've included a closeup which shows the full 100% resolution I worked on.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

As the village was no longer save, people moved to the abandoned castle to hold their stand.

Monday, January 28, 2013

One hour movie still study: Legend

The third one of a series. I've decided to get back on doing 1 hour movie still studies.
It's a great training for the eye. More will follow, I'm always open for movie suggestions
I aim to get at least 100 done within 3 months.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Movie still study: Gangster Squad

The second one of a series. I've decided to get back on doing 1 hour movie still studies.
It's a great training for the eye. More will follow, I'm always open for movie suggestions

One hour movie still study: The Hobbit.

The first one of a series. I've decided to get back on doing 1 hour movie still studies.
It's a great training for the eye. More will follow, I'm always open for movie suggestions

Friday, January 25, 2013

pretty badass?

I used to confuse badass women for gnomes... I feel terrible.. so I started giving them facelifts... they might not become as pretty as badass can be.. but at least the gnome factor is reduced.

Linesketches for voting by the public.

These were some sketches I made during a random livestream. I'd thought some of you might like to see my linesketches. See here:
I'm posting this on my Deviantart too to see what the people on there prefer :)
Also on Facebook

Please add int the comments which one you'd like to see rendered (and how/why?)

1. Angel in the wind.
2. Closeup spellcasting wizard.
3. Scary devilish grandma.
4. Beefcake superman.
5. Scary fire clown.
6. Angry cat magic faun.
7. Mutated boobzombie.
8. Seduced prisoner.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


'She ran away from home, far off is where she wants to go. Not bound my marriage not chained by duty.
She is special.'

Another quick painting :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Speedpainting 1

Just a quick speedpainting. :) thought I'd share.

'Only 30 but a lifetime of damage. His scars ran deep but his mind is clear. East he goes seeking a mountain to die.'

Friday, January 18, 2013

gollum before and after

Done for Sophisticated games: Lord of the Rings card game. in May 2012. (edited January 2013)
Released in October 2012 in Germany, Yet to be released in other countries in 2013, all rights reserved. Do not copy or use this image.
While making this card game reference was used of myself, my friends, or from people online with permission.
Paint time: 6 hours. (plus another hour and a half today to give it some touch ups, which made it much better!.)

Art test from April 2012

This was a small art test I did for Sophisticated games in April 2012.
I got the job back than and made over 50 illustrations of lord of the rings characters. Right now i'm working on the 3th covers since there will be variations of that for different countries.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Creature sketches

These are two concept sketches of a character commission. :)

About Rendering.

This was one if the pieces I critiqued on my What's up Wednesdays! Livestream.
Here I explained a rendering technique as shown on the arm on the right.
By using the selection tool and a soft brush you can work with soft blending while keeping sharp edges.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Done for Sophisticated games: Lord of the Rings card game.
Released in October 2012 in Germany, Yet to be released in other countries in 2013, all rights reserved. Do not copy or use this image.
While making this card game reference was used of myself, my friends, or from people online with permission.
Paint time: 6 hours. (plus another hour and a half today to give it some touch ups.)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Gandalf the white

A new cover for the Lord of the rings card game I've worked on for Sophisticated games.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Female knight outfit concepts_Lineart version.

These are some concepts I made for a somewhat realistic female knight. There is a slight hint of fantasy in some of them but I did not want to go too much overboard on that.
It took me 1 hour to sketch the base and than for every version another hour, so 7 hours total.
There will be a colored version of this as well.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Miles Mckay

A commission I made for a nice girl on Devianatart. It's the character from her book called: Miles McKay.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Xara concept sketch

This is a quick character concept. took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. I intent to make more versions of her.
She can also be found in this hero piece I made a while ago.

small portfolio sheet version 1

A small private portfolio sheet I made a while ago, This contains some work you guys haven't seen yet :)


This is a work in progress image from my Aries portrait.
This is part of a Greek mystical artbook I wanted to make.

100 pieces of weaponry #01

I'm starting a 100 pieces of armor/weaponry study. So helmets, swords, shields, crossbows etc.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

100 material studies

Phew this was great practice :)
On 28th of November I had my mind set on finishing 100 studies of materials. Never knew I was able to finish this at January 1.
I learned so much about materials, reflection, lighting, colors etc. I would recommend such a practice to anyone.